Professor Jun Shen has profound experience in academic leadership and governance. He was/ is a member of Academic Senate, Chair of School Research Committee, Head of Postgraduate Studies, HDR Coordinator and Manager of PhD program, and Acting Chair of School Education Committee at University of Wollongong (UOW). He is a member of Academic Board at Australian Institute of Technology and Commerce (AITC). Professor Shen is also a registered TEQSA external expert.
Professor Shen is also an active researcher in multi-disciplines where computational intelligence, cloud and IoT, and data science, as well as general IS methodologies, are applied to solving real life problems. He has been engaged in many funded projects (supported by ARC/CRC, NSFC, UGPN, etc) and/or PhD level research topics ranging from AI in education, bioinformatics, intelligent transport, digital health and aged care, to humanistic applications such as arts, human resources, supply chain, media and regional communities He is also a frequent academic visitor to be hosted by top institutions such as MIT, UCI, GaTech, editing journals and chairing academic conferences. Prof Shen has supervised 22 PhD to completion, and he is taking 5-8 new PhDs every year. He was ACS/AIS MSIS2016 panel member and senior member of both IEEE and ACM. He obtained his PhD from Southeast University of China.