Tuition Fees as of 1st of January 2024


Course Tuition fee per trimester No. of Trimesters Total Fee
Diploma of Business $9,000 per trimester 2 trimesters $18,000
Bachelor of Business $9,000 per trimester 6 trimesters $54,000
Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development) $9,000 per trimester 6 trimesters $54,000
Graduate Certificate in Business $10,000 per trimester 1 trimester $10,000
Graduate Diploma of Business $10,000 per trimester 2 trimester $20,000
Master of Business $10,000 per trimester 4 trimester $40,000

Please refer to EEIs’ Tuition Fees Payment & Refund Policy for further information.


Other Compulsory Fees

Enrolment Fee $350 – once only
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): Varies according to course duration (international students are required to obtain OSHC for the proposed duration of their study)


Ancillary Fees

Airport Transfer Service $150 (one way)
Homestay Placement and Support Fee $300 – once only
Late Payment Fee $100
Re-Assessment Fee $250 (only applies when student need re-assessment, $250 per re-assessment
CoE Variation Fee $200 – once only (international students)

NOTE: The tuition fees only cover the cost of tuition, which do not include other expenses related to studying (i.e. textbooks) and living. The tuition fees and other charges may vary each year. International students’ fees are protected by the Australian Government Tuition Protection Services (TPS). More information at


Additional Costs

Textbooks: Approximately $120 per unit. You will receive course notes from the lecturer. You must buy your own stationary, folders and notebooks.

Additional tuition fees: for additional tuition arising from failure of any unit is $250 per unit. All students will receive student cards on enrollment. Replacement cards are $20 per card.

For further information on fees and charges, please view our Tuition Fees Payment and Refund Policy below.


Payment  Details


BSB Number:    012 071

Account Number:  420493446

Swift Code:  ANZBAU3M

Bank Address: 665-669 George St, Haymarket NSW Australia 2000